About us

Who are we?


We are a network of parents and close relatives of transgender individuals, both children and adults.

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We are many members from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. 

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Through our close access to the trans-narrative, have we encountered in it many scientific shortcomings.

"We consider the lack of proper information and the amount of misinformation as a major threat to young people's mental and physical health. We also give attention to the strain it causes on the close relationships to our children"

We support the National Treatment Center for Transsexualism (NBTS, Rikshospitalet, Oslo) and Harry Benjamin Resource Center (HBRS).

We support Transsexual persons' right to better security in society and the right to public health care.

We take a critical view of investigation and treatment of children, and attach importance to "science and proven experience".

Our formal competence


-school medicine

-drug development research

-child & adolescent psychiatry



-social sciences

-gender research

Our competence as parents



-serious disease

-grave psychiatric disease


-anorexia/eating disorders



-death in near family
